Personal Styling
As a personal stylist I advise individuals on new fashion trends, clothing styles, personal styles, colors and make-up, helping each individual discover their own unique form of expression and color palette. I even get to shop with you and for you whether online or in person at shopping centers. In addition to personal styling, I’m also a wardrobe stylist, selecting clothing for published editorial features, print or television advertising campaigns, music videos, concert performances, and public appearances made by celebrities and models. As a personal stylist I work one-on-one with the clients for their day-to-day looks, while as a wardrobe stylist I work with a larger creative team collaborating with designers, photographers, art directors, hair stylists, and make-up artists to put together a particular look or theme for a specific project.
I’ve organized international fashion runway shows, countless photo shoots for all forms of media and entertainment and have worked with a 5x Latin Grammy Award winning singer, assisting him with many things, including his wardrobe selection for each performance.
I’m excited to help you discover your unique personal brand and style. Let’s do this!
Getting To Know You
In preparation for our time together please fill out this form so that I’m the most prepared to help you with your personal styling and wardrobe needs.